Let’s Go Sailing!

I fell in love with the nautical look this winter. It reminds me of Summer and the Ocean. Some of my most favourite things in the world.

Maybe I’m just already looking forward to Summer coming, like I always do in Winter and maybe I’m also a bit in denial when Winter rocks around that I hold onto things that remind me of Summer.

It’s a vicious cycle every year really. I just love Summer so much here! Mind you, our winters are very beautiful and I even went Stand Up Paddle Boarding (supping)  last weekend and the water was amazingly fresh and clear! And now I’m just dreaming of Summer as I look out at the ocean and I’m totally diverting from what I really wanted to talk about – Nautical!

So, I love navy & white stripes and red together. And when I found these jeans I knew this was the moment I could finally make this look work! So it began. I needed striped tops badly and since then have bought 5 tops in some sort of stripe in the last 2 months. It’s becoming borderline obsessive. But I figure I will get great wear out of them come Summer with my tangerine maxi skirt (yes that colour works too), my white linen pants and I may just have to whip up a cute knee-length red skirt too!

And these are my quirky butterfly shoes straight from New York, which I know have nothing to do with Nautical, but hey, they’re awesome! I will always be fond of these shoes.


And they go effortlessly with my red jeans! What do you think?

I have been trying to find a good pair of nude heels to complete the look, but alas, when you’re looking for something in particular it’s nowhere to be seen!

I will keep you updated on my epic search for the infamous nude heels…

C x

From Paris with love…

So, K is well ahead of me in the posts! I must admit I am discovering the world of blogging so please be kind.

To begin… I’m married with kids. So I dress not only to look fabulous but I also dress smart most days to be able to navigate my way through the day to tackle such things as bending over a million times, stain-potential tasks and walking everywhere. I like to be comfortable. So I must say, white is limited in my wardrobe and my heels are not too high and not too low, they’re just right!

Just like K, I love hand-me-downs and I love a great find at the op-shop!

Which brings me to today’s outfit. It certainly has a story behind it, like most op shop finds and hand-me-downs, but I think this one is kind of special…

I love my knit which I am told it came from Paris…say no more! The previous owner hadn’t even wore it, the tags were still on it when she gave it to me and she thought it had my name all over it. I tend to agree really, don’t you? The grapes on the back are just gorgeous and it has delicate white elbow patches. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of wearing it nor will it ever leave my wardrobe.

And my shoes…my shoes…

Now here’s a sad story that ended happily ever after. Upon moving recently, we donated a whole lot of stuff to a local charity last week. Flash forward to the weekend and I realise my boys’ baby clothing is missing! To say the least, I was truly devastated. I had plans to up-cycle their wares into blankets for them both and suddenly the memories and the motherly task were taken away from me, just like that!

On the Sunday I called the Charity just in case they hadn’t unpacked the two painstakingly sorted bags of each of boys clothing, crying on the other end of the phone like a sad, blubbering mess, when someone picked up the phone.

“Hello?” I say bawling now after no sleep from the previous night worrying about who had bought their first little beanie they wore home from hospital or the cute little rompers that I no longer have….”yes, we still have them and yes, no one has touched them, they are still in their bags…you’re LUCKY we had a busy day yesterday” “Oh My God, Oh My God!….May I have them back?” …”yes”!

Now I do have a heart and I felt bad about taking back from a charity, but my reasons were just and sentimental. So when I picked them up yesterday, I thought I’d have a dig around and buy something to clear my conscience, right the wrongs in the world and make karma happy.

Actually, I think  Karma came my way after I found these shoes. Never worn RMK’s in just the colour I’ve been looking for, at the perfect height and just at the right price of $5. Couldn’t have asked for a better find really. Could even call myself  a little lucky…

C x